Flex Rewards

If you heat and/or cool your home with PSE electricity and have an AMI meter, you can join Flex Rewards and get paid to save energy!

You’ll get $25 for signing up and $15 for every year that you stay enrolled. Plus, you'll earn even more money for saving energy on days when electricity usage is forecasted to peak.

What is Flex Rewards?

Flex Rewards is a voluntary program that uses simple actions to smooth out the demand for energy, ensuring reliable access for all.

Ahead of times of peak demand (known as “Flex events”), we will send you notifications asking you to reduce your energy usage. You’ll earn $1 for each kilowatt-hour of electricity you save during the event.

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a way to measure how much electricity you are using over time. Examples of activities that use approximately one kilowatt-hour of electricity include:

  • 1 dishwasher cycle
  • 30 minutes of using a 2,000-Watt oven
  • 17 minutes of using a 3,500-Watt air conditioner

Do I qualify for Flex Rewards?

Flex Rewards is available to all PSE residential customers who have an AMI meter and whose home heating and/or cooling is provided by PSE electricity. Customers who heat their home with natural gas and do not cool with PSE electricity do not qualify.

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Flex Rewards